BRC encourages both seriously competitive and more social runners to continue to improve running, and doing so with others makes it a lot easier!

Saturday Mornings:

There are training sessions on Saturday mornings, 7:30 at the track behind Aldershot School three seasons of the year. In the winter, the group moves over to the hill on LaSalle Park Drive, beside LaSalle Park. This group is capably and thoughtfully coached by Marie Elliott, who customizes the training for each runners' ability.

Thursday Evenings:

Tempo runs (1-2k warm up, 5-6k tempo - slightly out of breath pace - 1-2k cool down) start from the Ron Edwards YMCA on Drury Lane, in the south parking lot. We have permission to use their washrooms to change in, so you can come from work. We have a pub night monthly, last Thursday of the month.

Club members are encouraged to attend Bayfront Endurance sessions organized by Olympian and club member Reid Coolsaet at Bayfront Park in Hamilton, Tuesdays at 6PM. There's a 15-20 minutes warm up, stretching, two sets of strides (like a train - start slow, go fast, slow down slowly) over a 100m distance, then the specific training Reid has for that week, usually aimed at two groups - those planning to run a marathon, or other longer race, and those training for a 5k or 10k.

There's also a newer group called Early Bird Club in Hamilton (EBRC) if you're want to get a longer run in the in during the week; they run a bit faster, 5:15 was a recent pace. Contact email: